Frequently asked questions

Thajská masáž výhody

Thai massage is a traditional technique that combines acupressure, yoga and stretching. Unlike Western massage techniques that focus on muscles and tissues, Thai massage uses the full range of body movements and energy lines. The massage therapist uses the hands, elbows, knees and feet to apply pressure and manipulate the body. This massage is often performed on a mat on the floor and the client is dressed in comfortable clothing.

Thai massage has many health benefits including improving flexibility, relieving stress and tension, increasing energy levels and promoting an overall sense of well-being. It can also help relieve muscle and joint pain, improve circulation and promote better sleep. Through a combination of acupressure and stretching, Thai massage can also promote detoxification of the body and balance energy flows.

During a Thai massage you should expect a combination of pressure, stretching and gentle movement of your body. The massage is performed on a mat on the ground, so you should come in comfortable clothing that allows for free movement. It is important to be relaxed and communicate with the massage therapist if you feel any discomfort or pain. It is advisable to eat a light meal and drink plenty of water before the massage. After the massage, it is a good idea to rest and hydrate your body to maximize the benefits.

Massage is a technique of manipulating the soft tissues of the body to release tension, improve circulation, promote relaxation and relieve pain. The benefits of massage include – stress reduction, muscle pain relief, improved flexibility, promoting recovery and overall improved well-being.

Frekvencia masáží závisí od vašich osobných potrieb a cieľov. Ak máte bolesti alebo zdravotné problémy, odporúča sa absolvovať masáž každý týždeň alebo dva. Pre udržanie celkového zdravia a relaxácie môže byť postačujúce absolvovať masáž raz za mesiac.

Yes, in some cases it is not recommended to undergo massage. These include, for example, severe heart disease, infections, inflammation, recent surgery, injuries, bleeding problems, or pregnancy (unless massage is adapted). If you have any medical conditions, it is important to consult your doctor and massage therapist about your massage.

Mierny diskomfort počas masáže, najmä pri hlbokej tkanivovej masáži, môže byť normálny, ale masáž by nemala byť bolestivá. Po masáži môžete cítiť jemnú svalovú bolesť, podobnú ako po cvičení, ktorá by mala zmiznúť do jedného alebo dvoch dní. Ak sa cítite nepríjemne počas masáže, vždy to oznámte masérke.

In our ThaiOase salon we offer a wide range of massages including traditional Thai massage, aromatherapy oil massage, coconut massage, couples massage or head, neck and shoulder massage. Our Thai massage therapists specialize in techniques that promote relaxation and restore balance to the body. There are currently over 17 types of massage to choose from.

The length of the massage depends on your choice. We offer massages from 30 minutes to 120 minutes. The most popular are the 60- and 90-minute therapies, which provide ample time for deep relaxation and effective treatment.

Yes, we recommend booking in advance so that we can ensure the availability of your preferred time and masseuse. You can book easily online via our website or by phone. Make an appointment today at:

Yes, we provide specially tailored massages for pregnant women to help relieve back pain, leg swelling and tension. If you are pregnant, it is important to inform our staff so that we can tailor the therapy to your needs and medical condition.

It is important to drink plenty of water after the massage to encourage the elimination of toxins that may be released during the massage. It is also advisable to relax and avoid physically demanding activities so that the body can take full advantage of the effects of the massage.

Yes, you can mention the name of the masseuse when booking and we will do our best to accommodate your requests based on availability.

We accept cash payments, but also credit cards – Visa and MasterCard. If you have any questions about payments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yeah. In the salon on Vajnorská street there are reserved parking spaces for our customers, which are available free of charge. At other salons it is also possible to park in their surroundings.

Áno, priamo v našich salónoch alebo online na e-shope je možné si zakúpiť darčekové poukážky, ktoré sú zároveň skvelým darčekom pre vašich blízkych.

When booking online, please enter the gift voucher number in the notes. You can then just show it on the spot (the gift voucher can be saved on your mobile phone).

Yes, if you are interested in a group booking, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to advise you.